Open Xchange Systems

OXS (Open Xchange Systems) is an initiative for research, development, and social implementation of locally produced and consumed energy infrastructure and food systems that realize a self-reliant and decentralized society. This initiative is focused on the development and social implementation of a new energy and food distribution system that can flexibly respond to changes in social structure, and a navigation system that allows people to think about how energy and food should be used based on their relationship with nature. By complementing technology and behavioral change with each other, we believe we can contribute to solving the energy/community/environment trilemma.

Solving the Energy Trilemma

The energy trilemma is a difficult challenge because the three goals conflict with each other and can be in conflict when trying to achieve them [1]. OXS is examining means to solve this challenge bottom-up at the community level where energy is used.

1. Stable Supply of Energy
2. Community (equitable access to energy)
3. Environment (sustainability)

For example, renewable energy has advantages in terms of community energy access and environmental aspects, but it also poses challenges to the stable supply of energy because the amount of electricity generated is dependent on weather conditions. We aim to solve the energy trilemma through behavioral change with the technologies. 

OES: Technology for Sharing and Utilizing Renewable Energy
A micro-grid control technology that uses renewable energy as its main power source has been developed. This technology has been tested in Okinawa and demonstrated its effectiveness in increasing the amount of renewable energy introduced and providing a continuous supply of electricity in the event of a disaster [2]. The efficiency of power transmission and distribution by using mobile vehicles to transport electricity is also being tested in Tokushima [3]. The construction of a virtual power grid using microgrids and mobile vehicles can realize efficient power supply in dispersed communities.

Navigating of Active Involvement
To realize a decarbonized society aimed at curbing climate change, it is said that not only the introduction of new technologies, but also behavioral change among users is a major factor [4]. In addition, the effects of drastic climate change and pandemics have increased attention to energy and food independence and lifestyles that are self-reliant and decentralized and in harmony with nature [5].

Until now, people have been able to freely use electricity as much as they want by plugging their household appliances into electrical outlets, but behind the scenes, thermal power plants burn a lot of fossil fuels to supply electricity. By using solar panels and storage batteries to generate and use our own electricity, and by sharing it within the community, we can reduce the use of fossil fuels and use electricity in an environmentally friendly way. This kind of distributed energy system has the potential to create new lifestyles with unprecedented experiences and value by enabling people to live without electricity even in places without power lines. This initiative is designed to work together with users to think about how to use energy in an environmentally friendly manner, and to navigate energy usage that is in harmony with nature and enriches the mind.

Renewable energy is easy to install and operate, so it can easily produce electricity in places where there are no power lines. By exploring and navigating people's activities and lifestyles in new places where renewable energy is used, OXS project team members aim to contribute to building a society where human activities have a positive impact on the transformation of the planetary boundary.

[1] World Energy Trilemma Index | World Energy Council (
[2] Demonstration at OIST Campus in Okinawa
[3] Demonstration at UMABA School CoUMABA Campus in Tokushima
[4] Net Zero by 2050 – Analysis – IEA
[5]環境省_令和4年版 環境・循環型社会・生物多様性白書 状況第1部第3章第1節 地域循環共生圏の更なる発展 ( (

