It can be said that research reflects a person's values, outlook on life, and worldview. Each researcher's individual style is manifested in the way he or she chooses, approaches, and develops a research theme. In other words, Sony Computer Science Laboratories (Sony CSL) has as many "worldviews" as there are researchers. Here, we introduce "WORLDS," the future and present activities envisioned from the different perspectives of each researcher and the company itself.
Planetary Agenda needs Planetary Navigation 惑星規模での自己変革が必要な時代Planetary Agenda Needs Planetary Navigation: An Era of Self-Transformation on a Planetary Scale
プラネタリー・バウンダリーの変容に人間活動がポジティブな影響を与える社会を目指すAiming for a society where human activities have a positive impact on the transformation of the planetary boundary