(Evolutional Learning for Feature Extraction)

A system that makes means of recognition autonomously

A way to determine what is really important from a sea of information.

We live in the information era, deluged by text, music, photos, motion pictures, and more. Luckily, a number of recognition systems enable us to sort an enormous amount of information to obtain what we really need. A facial recognition system, for example, is designed to exclusively choose photos showing human faces — and to select them accurately. Recognition systems resulted from years of scientific trial and error, and experiments. The fact is, as people have become interested in more subjects than ever, we can no longer depend on scientists and experts alone for advanced recognition technologies to fill our needs. For example, plane spotters cannot expect much from scientists if they want a sorting system to classify their photographs of planes by carrier, because the photos almost always show aircraft from different airlines at the same time. Problems of this kind would be solved with a system that can recognize objects autonomously. Sony CSL’s ELFE(Evolutional Learning for Feature Extraction)technology is exactly what it does.

Genetic programming for searching complex data-classifying functions

The core of ELFE is a software technology called Genetic Programming. This technology treats various formulae as genetic elements. By using a hybrid evaluation approach, it continues to search for complex formulae that can classify data. In the case of airlines, for example, when the system is given sample photos of the different planes, it combines various formulae and tries to classify the planes. The system would then create an algorithm that can distinguish between the different carriers with a high degree of precision. ELFE was jointly developed by Dr. Francois Pachet, a former member of Sony CSL-Paris and Yoshiyuki Kobayashi of Sony R&D Division, who had long studied feature analysis systems. Its effectiveness in classifying music and pictures was already confirmed. ELFE and the recognition abilities based on it have found their way into a range of Sony products, including mobile phones, tablets, the Walkman and, most recently, an autonomous product classification system for Sony’s manufacturing lines.

※ELFE(Evolutional Learning for Feature Extraction)is a trademark of sony.

Most recently, Sony Network Communications,Inc. has begun to offer a visual classifying solution using ELFE for manufacturers in Japan since April 1st, 2018.
