東京・パリ・京都に次ぐ四か所目の拠点となるソニーCSLローマは、情報・サステナビリティ・人工知能とアートを融合する創造性の研究を中心に活動を展開します。オフィスは、ローマ市パニスパーナ通りに位置する歴史的建築物内のエンリコ・フェルミ研究・調査センター(”Enrico Fermi” Research Centre – CREF)内に開設しました。CREFは科学の進歩と普及を目的に設立された国立の博物館兼研究機関で、ソニーCSLはCREFと官民合同で科学の推進を目指します。
ソニーCSL ローマは2021年10月開催のMaker Faire Romeで設立が発表されたのち、パンデミックによる休止期間を経て、本日、新オフィスの発足を記念するイベントが開催されます。官庁や教育・研究機関、スタートアップなどから代表者を招き、新たな拠点でコラボレーションを進めていきます。
ソニーCSLパリ・ローマ ディレクター ビットリオ・ロレトのコメント
ソニーCSL 代表取締役社長 北野宏明のコメント
「ソニーCSLは、「Dispersive Organization(拡散する組織)」として、人類とこの惑星の未来のために、絶え間ない挑戦と変化を続けている組織です。どこにいても世界中と繋がることができるようになった今、物理的な場所の制約からの解放が起こると同時に、その場にいるからこそ得られる新たな視点と相互作用の獲得は重要性を増しています。ローマという新たな地で拠点が始動することで、既存の拠点とも相互に共振しながら、より多様性に富んだ活動が展開されることを期待しています。」
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO Hiroaki Kitano; hereinafter referred to as Sony CSL) will today officially open its second branch office in Europe, Sony CSL Rome.
The Rome branch is Sony CSL’s 4th location for research following Tokyo, Paris and most recently Kyoto, and the activity of Sony CSL Rome will be dedicated to research in the field of information, sustainability and to the intersection between artificial intelligence and art. Sony CSL Rome is located in the prestigious Enrico Fermi Study and Research Center, situated in the historic building of “I Ragazzi di Via Panisperna”. The new laboratory was born thanks to a scientific agreement with the “Enrico Fermi” Research Centre (hereinafter referred to as CREF) and represents a unique public-private effort.
The establishment of Sony CSL Rome was announced at Maker Faire Rome in October 2021 and after the long stop due to the pandemic, the new office’s inauguration event will be held physically today. Inviting local and national institutions and representatives of the world of entrepreneurship and innovation, this represents an opportunity to present the new laboratory and its potential synergies with the surrounding ecosystem.
Sony CSL is a leading-edge laboratory dedicated to research that contributes to the common social good. The extreme flexibility and multidisciplinarity of the approach, adopted in the four offices of Tokyo, Kyoto, Paris and Rome, allows it to explore the most diverse research areas, combining science, technological innovation, art and the public good in a single conceptual space. The specific themes range from music to language, from the future of cities to sustainable agriculture, from creative processes to humanity’s great challenges.
The new lab in Rome focuses on three main research areas:
Vittorio Loreto, PhD, Director of Sony CSL Paris and Rome, affirms: “Opening a new research lab in Rome strongly signifies Sony CSL’s expectation for Italy as a rich reservoir of excellence and creativity. The focus of the new lab on the Sustainable Development Goals and its new public-private format represents a unique opportunity to foster the establishment of a transdisciplinary community of researchers, policy-makers and stakeholders devoted to addressing challenging problems with a transformative eye.”
Hiroaki Kitano, Ph.D., President and CEO, Sony CSL highlights: “Sony CSL is a “Dispersive Organization” that embraces change and is constantly challenging for the future of humanity and this planet. Now that we can connect with the world wherever we are, we see more liberation from the constraints of physical location, while the acquisition of new perspectives and interactions that can only come from being physically at a given location is becoming increasingly important as well. With the opening of the new centre in Rome, we hope that activities will develop in greater diversity, resonating and interacting with the existing centres and the possible collaborators.”
Overview of the New Laboratory
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Rome branch (Sony CSL Rome)
Location: Enrico Fermi Study and Research Center, Via Panisperna, 89A, 00184 Roma RM, Italy
Website: https://csl.sony.it/
Establishment: October 2021
Media inquiries:Corporate Communications, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.