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株式会社ベルシステム24ホールディングス(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役 社長執行役員CEO:野田 俊介、以下:ベルシステム24)と株式会社ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所(本社:東京都品川区、代表取締役社長:北野 宏明、以下:ソニーCSL)は、独自開発の人工知能(AI)技術により業務効率改善に寄与するコンタクトセンター運用に特化したサービスの提供を開始しました。
このサービスは、コンタクトセンター業務での利用に特化した高精度なAI検索エンジン「Mopas™(モーパス)」と、AIナレッジメンテナンス機能「Knowledge Creator™(ナレッジクリエーター:特許出願中)」で構成され、顧客からのメールでの問い合わせ対応業務の効率化と削減につなげるものです。
「Knowledge Creator™」は、直感的なユーザーインターフェースに統合されたクラスタリング(類似度に基づいてデータをグループ分けする手法)や検索キーワードのサジェスト・類似問い合わせの提示などにより、従来表計算ソフトを用いた属人的な作業であった教師データ追加作業やFAQ等のナレッジ管理・更新作業を大幅に効率化できるものです。この「Knowledge Creator™」と「Mopas™」が連携することで検索精度とナレッジのカバレッジが日々向上していきます。
■松田 裕弘
株式会社ベルシステム24ホールディングス 執行役員CIO、
同イノベーション&コミュニケーションサイエンス研究所 所長のコメント
■ミカエル・ シュプランガー
株式会社ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所 リサーチャー、株式会社ソニーAI COO
イノベーション&コミュニケーションサイエンス研究所 共同研究所長のコメント
「Knowledge Creator™」紹介WEBサイト
「Mopas™」「Knowledge Creator™」イメージ動画
「ICS Lab.」紹介WEBサイト
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BELLSYSTEM24 Holdings, Inc. (head office: Chuo Ward, Tokyo; President, CEO, and Representative Director: Shunsuke Noda; hereinafter, "BELLSYSTEM24") and Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. (head office: Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo; President and CEO: Hiroaki Kitano; hereinafter, "Sony CSL") have launched a new service specialized in contact-center operations. This new service contributes improving operational efficiency through the use of newly developed artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
With Mopas™, a high-precision AI search engine specialized for contact-center operations, and Knowledge Creator™(patent pending), a feature that enables AI-enhanced knowledge maintenance, this service improves efficiency and reduces the operations necessary to respond to email inquiries from customers.
Mopas™ automatically creates an optimal AI model from several hundred-thousand patterns of algorithm and parameters to achieve high-precision responses within a few hours based on contact-center FAQ data of client companies. Generally, automated response systems at contact centers use AI algorithms that are specific to each business category and require a variety of log data from phone calls, emails, online chats, and other communications with customers. Mopas™, however, identifies optimal AI models using the enormous quantity and diversity of its algorithms with a limited amount of input data. In addition, we are continually evaluating and verifying the results of AI research at the Innovation Communication Science Lab, which was established within BELLSYSTEM24 this April. This enables customers to use AI search engines that are always updated with the latest algorithms.
Knowledge Creator™ uses clustering (a method that groups data on the basis of similarity) integrated in an intuitive user interface and provides suggestions for search keywords and similar inquiries, resulting in dramatically improved operations that had previously been conducted manually using spreadsheet software, such as the addition of supervised data and management of FAQ knowledge. By combining Knowledge Creator™ and Mopas™, this new service improves search accuracy and knowledge coverage in daily operation.
Conceptual diagram of the service
This newly developed AI technology will enable the use of AI specialized for the business type or category of each client company with a low introduction cost. These solutions also keep the AI updated and optimized for the client’s customer services with low operational costs. For this service, BELLSYSTEM24 is mainly in charge of product development and sales activities while Sony CSL advances research and development, such as the development of AI algorithms, to improve functionality and performance.
■Effects of the introduction of the service in a trial operation
A trial of the service has been under way for more than a year. We have repeatedly verified and improved the system while also validating its effectiveness with client companies, namely, manufacturers and telecommunication carriers. The trials proved the effectiveness of the system: the number of email inquiries was reduced by 69.7% and FAQ coverage improved by 40% or more.
■Background behind the development
Nowadays, contact centers receive consumer inquiries through various communication methods including not only phone calls but also emails and online chats. For companies operating customer support, developing systems that respond to each of these communication methods has become more and more difficult.
Many contact centers already use certain AI search engines, but they usually implement specific algorithms that are not always compatible with different business types or categories, causing significant variations in performance and results. In addition, once an AI search engine is built, its algorithm is often not updatable, preventing it from keeping up with cutting-edge technology that evolves every day around the world. Also, AI search engines have usually required a significant human-labor investment to maintain data and update their knowledge.
To solve those problems and develop an optimal AI for practical customer-service operations, BELLSYSTEM24 and Sony CSL have jointly developed an original AI by combining BELLSYSTEM24's knowledge of the on-site flow of contact-center operations and Sony CSL's knowledge of AI research. Through this development, the two companies aim to improve the efficiency of operations, reduce the strain on contact-center employees, and improve customer-friendliness in contact-center operations.
■Yasuhiro Matsuda
Corporate Officer and CIO of BELLSYSTEM24 Holdings, Inc.
Statement from the Director of the Innovation Communication Science Lab
■Michael Spranger
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. researcher and COO of Sony AI Inc.
Statement from the joint director of Innovation Communication Science Lab
Mopas™ website
Knowledge Creator™ website
Mopas™ and Knowledge Creator™ video
ICS Lab. website
Company and product names appearing in this release are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.