昨年の11月に続き、パソコンやモバイル端末から参加でき、子どもから大人まで幅広い年代がコンテストを通じて楽しみながら学習できる、ネット上のグローバルな算数大会(Global Math Challenge)を3月22日に米国にて開催します。
Sony CSL will host an online math competition - "Global Math Challenge (GMC)"on March 22, 2015 in the United States. Previously offered in Japan, the GMC takes a new, connected approach to math contests.
[Overview of Global Math Challenge]
Event day: March 22, 2015
Entry age: 13+
Price: Trial Plan - Free
Includes: Entry and answers to the contest
Standard Plan - $20
Includes: Entry, answers, detailed test statistics,
step-by-step explanations and a global math ranking.
Visit global-math.com for more information or to register.