イギリスのメディア”The Economist”にソニーCSL - ローマの研究チームによる論文"A universal framework for inclusive 15-minute cities"についての記事が掲載されました。
What can the world’s most walkable cities teach other places?
Researchers show how more urban areas could become 15-minute cities
本記事の対象となった論文はソニーCSL - ローマのMatteo Bruno、Hygor Piaget Monteiro Melo、Bruno Campanelliによる研究チームが、Vittorio Loreto所長とともに発表したもので、Nature Citiesに掲載されました。
関連ニュース:ソニーCSL - ローマが発表した論文が、Nature Citiesに掲載されました(2024/9/18)
An article about the paper titled "A Universal Framework for Inclusive 15-Minute Cities," authored by the research team at Sony CSL - Rome, was published in "The Economist."
What can the world’s most walkable cities teach other places?
Researchers show how more urban areas could become 15-minute cities
This paper was authored by Matteo Bruno, Hygor Piaget Monteiro Melo, and Bruno Campanelli, led by Vittorio Loreto from the Sustainable Cities Research Line at Sony Computer Science Laboratories - Rome. It was published in Nature Cities.
Related News: Sony CSL - Rome's paper was published in Nature Cities on September 18, 2024.