IL室長 暦本純一他のVideo Paper "AidedEyes: Eye Activity Sensing for Daily Life"が5月17日-20日ヘルシンキにて開催されたPervasive 2010で"Best Video Award"を受賞しました。同じく、インタラクションラボにて、イワン・プピレフ(Ivan Poupyrev) とカール・ウィリス (Karl Willis) が開発した12Pixelsが"Best Presentation Award"を受賞しました。詳しくはこちら。
The Video Paper by IL Director, Jun Rekimoto et al, titled "AidedEyes: Eye Activity Sensing for Daily Life" was awarded the "Best Video Award" at the Pervasive 2010 held at Helsinki, Finland from 17-20 May 2010. Also, the full paper of 12Pixels, drawing interface for cellular phones, developed by Ivan Poupyrev and Karl Willis at IL, was awarded the "Best Presentation Award". Please see here for details.