作家には編集者が、映画監督にはプロデューサーが寄り添い、社会に作品を送り出しているように、研究者には研究営業が寄り添って、一緒に研究の実用化に尽力することが重要であると考えています。2004年に、テクノロジープロモーションオフィス(TPO)を設立し、事業部への技術移管やスピンアウトの設立などの研究営業活動を進めて来ましたが、更に自社内でのビジネスインキュベーション活動、他社との協業などの活動も加えたテクノロジープロモーション アンド デプロイメントグループ(TPDG)を発足させ、更なる研究の社会実装を追求しています。
2023 ソニーCSLのChief Technology Deployment Officerに就任
Just as writers send their work to editors and film directors collaborate with their producers in order to give society a creative product, I believe it is vital for researchers to promote their research and sell it to businesses, and, working with these businesses, do everything they can to put their research to practical use. In 2004, we set up the Technology Promotion Office, which worked to take technologies developed by researchers and get them in the hands of businesses, or create new businesses based on those technologies. Within Sony CSL, we have also started the Technology Promotion and Deployment Office (TPDG), which serves as a business incubator and pursues cooperative business activities with other companies, in order to further drive the adoption of new research by our society.
2023 Appointed Chief Technology Deployment Officer of Sony CSL