メンバー:シナパヤ ラナ
Member: Lana Sinapayen
文化は、一般的な意味での生物ではありません。しかし、文化は生まれ、環境に適応し、衰退し消えていく – つまり、高いレベルで生物と同じ特徴を共有しています。
Cultural artifacts are not living organisms in the common sense of the term. Yet they are born, adapt to their environment, and die: they share high level characteristics with living things.
For example, in my research I apply evolutionary theory to the history of recipes. The steps of a recipe (the DNA) describe a dish (the phenotype); the recipes evolve through trial and error (DNA mutations). Two recipes can be combined (reproduction). The best dishes become more popular (Darwinian selection). The climate, ingredients, lifestyle, and culture are the environment from which the dish gains its characteristics.
By applying ideas from biology we can try to model the past, present, and future of culture and traditions to how they shape us and how we can shape them.