High-Fidelty Appearance Reproduction of Japanese Tea Confectioneries and Utensils

Team: Yuichi Hiroi (Research Assistant), Jun Rekimoto

In this project, we aim to archive and reproduce the appearance of Japanese tea confectioneries and utensils to support the recording, inheritance, and future development of intangible cultural assets through information technology. By presenting these archives in an interactive form suitable for display devices, we aim to create new experiences of the tea ceremony by integrating humans and information technology.

One of the technical challenges of this project is that measuring and reproducing the various appearance on the tea confectioneries and utensils (e.g., the transparency of agar and the mottled patterns of glaze) have not yet been developed.  We investigate a 3D restoration method using a deep neural network and an interactive presentation according to the user's viewpoint to measure and reproduce such diverse appearances.