Recruitment of research assistants

Overview of Requirements

Eligible applicants Current students enrolled at a university in Japan, including Master and PhD students.
This position is limited to those already residing in Japan.
Compensation The hourly salary is as follows:
Undergraduate students: 1,300yen
Masters students:1,500yen
PhD students:1,800yen
Work-related transportation expenses will be reimbursed.
Selection Process After a review of your CV and an interview, we will make our decision.
How to apply Please apply from the following each project details.

Working day and hours will be decided upon consultation.

International students are required to apply for and obtain “Shikakugai-katsudokyoka” (permission to participate in activities beyond those allowed by visa status) prior to accepting part-time work.

Tokyo Research
Kyoto Research
Currently no open positions
Transboundary Research
Currently no open positions

Inquiries:   (Yamakoshi / Kashiwa)

August 26th, 2024