募集対象 | 日本国内在住(国籍問わず) 大学・大学院に在籍の方 |
時給 交通費 |
時給は原則、下記のとおりです。 大学学部生: 1,300円 交通費は、当社基準により支給します。大学院修士課程在籍: 1,500円 大学院博士課程在籍: 1,800円 |
選考 | 書類選考、面接 |
応募方法 | 下記の各研究テーマのページからご応募ください。 |
Eligible applicants | Current students enrolled at a university in Japan, including Master and PhD students. This position is limited to those already residing in Japan. |
Compensation | The hourly salary is as follows: Undergraduate students: 1,300yen Work-related transportation expenses will be reimbursed.Masters students:1,500yen PhD students:1,800yen |
Selection Process | After a review of your CV and an interview, we will make our decision. |
How to apply | Please apply from the following each project details. |
Working day and hours will be decided upon consultation.
International students are required to apply for and obtain “Shikakugai-katsudokyoka” (permission to participate in activities beyond those allowed by visa status) prior to accepting part-time work.
お問合せ先: research_assistant_inquiry@csl.sony.co.jp (担当: 山腰・柏)
Inquiries: research_assistant_inquiry@csl.sony.co.jp (Yamakoshi / Kashiwa)
August 26th, 2024