UMABA Project

High-tech Pilot Projects Pioneering Movement of People & Decarbonization

OES members are actively participating in the “Green Workcation Conference,” a collaborative project launched in July 2021 propelled by groups from the industry, academia and government.

Through the development of the workcation concept under an open innovation model, the project aims to contribute to the creation of decarbonized societies, undertaking high-tech pilot projects that utilize renewable energy sources while encouraging movement of people from other cities to Miyoshi, rural city in Shikoku and driving regional revitalization. Our first pilot project is called the Umaba Project. It takes its name from the Umaba district of Ikeda, a township in Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture.

The project will make use of the OES Autonomous Power Interchange System (APIS), which was made open source in December 2020. We will be in charge of the “sharing” (power interchange) system between batteries, which ensures that the electricity generated by solar power is used effectively. Our first objective is to make optimal power sharing autonomous at the Umaba School Cottage.

High-tech Pilot Projects Utilizing Renewable Energy

In order to achieve that objective, we will treat the Umaba School Cottage facility as if it is made up of three virtual houses. Each of these virtual houses will be outfitted with a single Murata Manufacturing All-in-One battery system, so three systems in total. Each battery will power separate facilities within the cottage. One of the three batteries will be connected to solar panels, and depending on the operational status of each facility, this battery will “share” power with the other two batteries at the cottage over the AC grid.

By linking multiple batteries, it is our hope that the spare capacity in the batteries generated by different load patterns will be utilized efficiently, even more efficiently than is possible with a single battery. Through this “sharing” technique, we will maximize use of the power we generate, and achieve a power system based on local production and local consumption.

Umabah district, the site of the demonstration experiment
