ソニーCSL副所長の暦本が10/22-25カナダで開催されたThe 30th ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium (UIST) においてLASTING IMPACT AWARD 2017を受賞しました。
受賞対象はUISTで2002年に発表した論文 "Ambient touch: designing tactile interfaces for handheld devices" (Ivan Poupyrev, Shigeaki Maruyama and Jun Rekimoto)です。
Dr. Jun Rekimoto, CSL Deputy Director of Research, was awarded the LASTING IMPACT AWARD 2017 at the 30th ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium (UIST) held from October 22-25 in Canada, on the basis of the 2002 paper titled : "Ambient touch: designing tactile interfaces for handheld devices" (Ivan Poupyrev, Shigeaki Maruyama and Jun Rekimoto).