Natalia Polouliakh
Project Researcher

Music and Biology of Wellness

It is said that humans already know how to maintain their physical body to live 120 years. Recently, biologists reported that some endogenous compounds, such as the Sirt1 gene as an example, might potentially induce autophagy or regenerate ES cells, dramatically turning the biological clock. However, I believe that wellness is not only a state of muscles, heart, and skin; it is a capability of continuous solving intellectual tasks, i.e. to maintain creativity. When humans recognize signals from the five senses, such as light, sound or odor, psychological and physiological effects emerge every time. Accumulating those effects can modify DNA chemistry, eventually changing gene expression that controls sleeping, eating, and overall motivation towards communication. Thus we can not disregard this capability of the brain to achieve wellness. My goal is to create technology that helps everyone to live their own lives by harnessing this capability of the brain to turn the signals into favorable biology.
I am focusing on listening to music, which is a very complex cognitive task. My research interest is to understand how music can impact psycho-somatics to create technologies for wellness. Using AGCT-Deep and AI methods, I create a recommendation technology that comprehends and optimize the person's challenge towards education, healthcare and happiness.

 Music / Gene Expression / AI





Selected Publications

Natalia Polouliakh and Richard Nock An Advanced Omic Approach to Identify Co-Regulated Clusters and Transcription Regulation Network with AGCT and SHOE MethodsNeuroproteomics: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,ISBN:1493969501DOI:DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-6952-4_19Vol:vol. 1598pages 373-389May2017Springer Science+Business Media LLC

Polouliakh, NataliaReprogramming resistant genes: in-depth comparison of gene expressions among iPS, ES and somatic cells.Frontiers in PhysiologyISSN:1664-042XDOI:10.3389/fphys.2013.00007Vol:4No.7pages 1-9January2013

Natalia Polouliakh, Richard Nock, Frank Nielsen, Hiroaki KitanoG-Protein Coupled Receptor Signaling Architecture of Mammalian Immune CellsVol:4 No.1pages e4189PLoS ONEJanuary2009[URL]bow-tie structure, ligand-activated sub-region, spectral clustering


Natalia Polouliakh was born in Russia. She completed her undergraduate studies in the Oriental Languages Department of Irkutsk State Linguistic University. In 1997, she began a master's degree program in the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University, specializing in bioinformatics, and in 2004, she received a Ph.D. from the Institute of Medical Science at Tokyo University. Natalia joined Sony CSL in 2006. She is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. course at the Medical School of Yokohama City University, and she is working on uncovering the mechanisms of skin aging using original data-driven approaches. Her hobbies include yoga, the arts, and fashion.

