SynecO, Inc.

SynecO, Inc. was founded in April 1, 2021, with the support of Sony Innovation Fund: Environment, a corporate venture capital company established in September 2020 as an initiative by Sony to foster new environmental technologies. SynecO's main initiatives comprise supports for the dissemination of “Synecoculture” and more generally the implementation of “augmented ecosystems.” It aims to contribute to sustainable food production, urban green infrastructure, next-generation education platform on ecological literacy, and health and welfare services in the aging society.

Senior Researcher Masatoshi Funabashi has been conducting research on "Synecoculture" and "Augmented Ecosystems" since he joined Sony CSL in 2010. He is promoting food production and other ecosystem services based on the self-organization of ecosystems as open complex systems. This led to a propose paradigm shift, from the physiological optimum focused on individual plants to the ecological optimum for the ecosystem as a whole.

Sony CSL Synecoculture™ and Augmented Ecosystems Project
SynecO, Inc. WEBSITE

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