「シネコポータル(Syneco Portal)」 は、小さな拡張生態系を作りながら周囲の環境との交流を体験し、学ぶための入り口です。この小さな生態系は、周囲の緑地や風・雨・光、そして他の場所にある別のポータルや未だ見ぬ人々とつながることを通じて、誰でも生態系の豊かさに根差した生き方を深めていくことができるきっかけとなるようデザインされています。
「シネコポータル」はソニーCSLリサーチャーの舩橋真俊 監修の元、一般社団法人シネコカルチャー* ナビゲーターでデザイナーの福田桂氏とソニーCSL RAG本條陽子で企画・設計されました。拡張生態系の仕組みや作り方を学ぶためのハンドブック「シネコポータル:拡張生態系入門キット」もあわせて製作・公開しています。
- シネコポータル:拡張生態系入門キット ハンドブック:日本語PDF
- Syneco Portal : Synecoculture™ Learning Kit Handbook : 英語PDF 仏語PDF (Ver.0.51) (New! Ver.0.5)
* 一般社団法人シネコカルチャーは舩橋と本條が「協生農法・拡張生態系」の研究成果を社会普及・還元するために2018年に設立した社団法人です。
ソニーCSLは、森ビル株式会社が運営する六本木ヒルズの屋上庭園を舞台に、 2019年11月より都市空間における協生農法・拡張生態系に関わる実証実験を行っています。
- 期間:2019年11月~
- 場所:六本木ヒルズ
- 主催:株式会社ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所
- 協力:森ビル株式会社
2021年7月24日から8月10日まで、銀座ソニーパークでソニー CSLによる研究展 "人類の未来の研究”が開催され、舩橋研究員の研究紹介にシネコポータルを展示しました。屋内で生態系を展示するということもあり、風通しや日照不足で植物が萎れてしまうことへの懸念から、会期中にプランターを交換する前提で、企画展スペースに常時2基展示しつつ、屋外にも2基設置。屋外のシネコポータルは、企画展への誘導の役割も果たしました。
- 期間:2021年7月24日(土) ~ 8月10日(火)
- 時間:11:00 ~ 19:00
- 場所:Ginza Sony Park (PARK B2~B4/地下2 - 4階)
※「協生理論学習 キット」と呼んでいたものの名前を変更しました(2021.7.23)。
Synecoculture Principles Learning Kit
The principles of Synecoculture are connected to the workings of life on earth that has existed for billions of years. Viewed from the earth's history, the emergence of mankind is a very recent event that occurred well after the ecosystem was developed. The agriculture that humans started approximately 10,000 years ago has led to the development of technology that efficiently grows only plants that are seen as useful. However, such attempts to control the environment with substances brought in from elsewhere, such as fertilizers and pesticides, have gradually shifted the balance of the ecosystem, and many adverse effects have arisen. Therefore, the idea behind Synecoculture farming is to return to the power of life on earth and restore the ecosystem from the soil.
The "Syneco Portal : Synecoculture Principles Learning Kit" is a first-hand experience kit being developed to help people learn about this mechanism through experimenting with it on a planter scale. It was planned and designed under the supervision of Masatoshi Funabashi, Senior Researcher at Sony CSL, with Kei Fukuda, independent designer as well as Navigator at Synecoculture Association, and Yoko Honjo of RAG at Sony CSL. A handbook to learn how to create and to learn about the augmented ecosystems is also available for free download.
By following the handbook, anyone can actually create a Syneco planter (named “Syneco Portal”), where a variety of plants are mixed in high density. The resulting planter has the potential to become a an entryway to learn and experience "the functioning of ecosystem cycles" in the raw, and to lead to continuous learning.
Synecoculture Principles Learning Kit Handbook :
English PDF French PDF (2023.12 Ver.0.51) (New! Ver.0.5) Japanese PDF (2023.9 ver.0.5)
Please contact Synecoculture Association (info@synecoculture.org)if you are interested in translating this document to other languages. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
Demonstration Experiment at Roppongi Hills
Sony CSL has started a demonstration experiment related to Synecoculture farming on the rooftop garden of Roppongi Hills in November, 2019.
In this experiment, we have introduced Synecoculture farming methods and implemented an augmented ecosystem on the rooftop of the building. We have installed five special planters with three different patterns of soil. More than 100 kinds of different plant species, mainly vegetables, fruits and herbs, are placed in the planters. More than 200 kinds of useful plants were planted in the small field on the same rooftop. We have been making observations on the cooperative effects of the plants. [Press Release]
- Period:November, 2019 ~
- Venue:Roppongi Hills, Tokyo
- Organized by:Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- Supported by:Mori Building Co., Ltd
Synecoculture Association
Venue of the experiment
Exhibition at Sony Ginza Park
From July 24 to August 10, 2021, the Sony CSL research exhibition "Research on the Future of Mankind" was held at Sony Ginza Park, and four Syneco Portals were displayed to introduce the research of Dr. Funabashi. Since the planters were exhibited indoors, there were concerns that the plants would shrivel up due to lack of ventilation and sunlight, and two planters were installed outdoors so that they could be exchanged at anytime. Eventually, the outdoor Syneco Portals served as a guide to the exhibition.
- Period: July 24 (Sat) ~ August 10 (Tue), 2021
- Hours: 11:00 ~ 19:00
- Place: Ginza Sony Park (PARK B2 - B4 / B2 - 4F)
Syneco Portals displayed at the Sony Ginza Park
# “Synecoculture” is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
# Please see here on the details of the Trademark Usage.