8月より開講したミュージック・エクセレンス・プロジェクトのピアノアカデミー。受講生の一人である米滿 希咲来さんに、開講後2回目となるレッスンの時にインタビューをしました。
― 本プロジェクトに参加した理由は何ですか?
― 特にどういうことを学びたい、という期待はあったでしょうか?
― 本プロジェクトのレッスンの特徴はありますか?
― レッスンをする前と後で意識するようになったことはあるでしょうか?
― 身体の使い方の他にこのアカデミーのレッスンで印象に残っていることはありますか?
― アカデミーのレッスン内容をどのように活かしていきたいでしょうか?
― アカデミーを通して、どんな風になりたいでしょうか?
― 将来どんなところで弾いてみたいですか?
― 5年後はどんなふうになっていたいですか?
One of the students of the Music Excellence Project Piano Academy, which began last August, took some time to speak with us after her second lesson at the Academy. Following is a summary of our questions and her responses (originally in Japanese):
― What is your reason for participating in this project?
Two years ago, I was excited to have a lesson with Professor Furuya and was eager to have the chance again. He helped me understand how to change my sound and use my body to make changes and improvements.
― Did you have any particular expectations or goals for learning?
I have always known the importance of the whole body for performance, and I wanted to learn more about that.
― What features of the lessons of this project especially stand out to you?
I'm really looking forward to the results of pressure measurements taken while I am playing. I'll be able to learn from patterns of my own physicality. And learning from different teachers every month gives me a variety of perspective that I couldn’t possibly have on my own or with a single teacher.
― How did your awareness change after Academy lessons?
I have been concerned about my playing and practice habits, but until now I haven't known them very well. In the lessons, I learned habits of my body and characteristics of my hands that helped me to gain more control of my body and fingertips.
― What other impressions of the Academy do you have besides deeper insight into how you use your body?
Having different teachers every month gives me new and wider variety of insight into how to interpret and play.
― How will you apply what you have learned at the academy?
No matter what kind of song I play, I want to play it in my own way. The academy helps me to understand myself so that I can express myself.
― What specific goals do you have through the academy?
First of all, I want to be able to play technical songs. I want to be able to play the tones I envision using my entire body down to my feet, not just my fingers.
― What kind of venues would you like to play in the future?
I heard that the atmospheres of the halls and audiences overseas are different from those in Japan, so I would like to have such experience.
― What do you envision for yourself in five years?
I would like to study in France. I would like to study there for a short period of time while attending university, and after five years, I would like to enter school there in earnest.