CSL副所長の暦本が10/8-11英国で開催されたThe 26th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) においてLASTING IMPACT AWARD 2013を受賞しました。受賞対象はUISTで1995年に発表したNavicam (a system for Augmented Interaction)についての論文 "The World through the Computer: Computer Augmented Interaction with Real World Environments"です。
Dr. Jun Rekimoto, CSL Deputy Director of Research, was awarded the LASTING IMPACT AWARD 2013 at the 26th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) held from October 8-11 in UK, on the basis of his first authored 1995 paper there (on Navicam, a system for Augmented Interaction) titled : "The World through the Computer: Computer Augmented Interaction with Real World Environments".